Regaining my shape

I have never had to diet or worry about my body shape really. As a teenager I was always stick thin, never very womanly. At about 19 I finally gained boobs and felt happier with my shape and up until recently I have never grumbled about my shape…

I had our first daughter just after my 30th birthday. Looking at my last picture the day before she was born I was quite big and had clearly put weight on everywhere!! The majority of weight gain had been in the last few weeks and this photo was taken at 16 days overdue!


Within 6 weeks of birth though I was back in my pre-pregnancy clothes. And I wasn’t squeezing myself into them though, they did actually fit!! I still ate rubbish and due to breastfeeding was eating an awful lot of cake (that’s my excuse anyway!) I put the post pregnancy weight loss down to breastfeeding and long walks with the dog. Our first was born in May so the days tended to be dry, so little one was in the pram, walking shoes on and off we’d go. I’d probably do at least three 1hour+ walks a week on top of the regular dog walks.

I actually went a lot thinner than pre pregnancy and someone actually commented saying I’d lost too much.

I kind of took it for granted that I didn’t have to do anything to lose weight.

Then 2 and half years later along came our second baby. I wasn’t as big as with our first but then again our second was born missing her due date by just over 1 hour!!


But this time with a winter baby, and a 3 year old to look after there have been no long dog walks. The dog walks still happen obviously but not long like they were before baby 2.
And this means the extra weight is still on 7months later.

Our first holiday abroad in 2 years has been booked for October which means that if I want to actually expose myself in a bikini round the pool and be comfortable then something had to be done.

After looking online for local classes, in late April I joined a small independent fitness group run by a personal trainer. After my first class which included over 200 squats I couldn’t walk properly for 5 days!!! I had to walk down the stairs backwards as it was the only way it didn’t hurt…. The old me would’ve given up but I carried on going every Wednesday. The group is lovely and with it not being in a big gym it feels more friendly and the girls all go out together and do challenges together.

One of these challenges is a 12 week challenge, which I have joined. It started on 15th July.


We have to follow a diet plan which mainly follows eat clean principles, and I have to do 2 classes a week and home work outs.

On Saturday it was the first official weigh in as weigh ins are done every 2 weeks. I hadn’t felt much different and the scales at home weren’t showing much change so I didn’t feel that good. I only lost 2.5lbs but I have lost a total of 6.5 inches – the biggest loss being 2.75 inches from around my waist. I was totally surprised and actually quite pleased with myself.

Being totally honest, while I have stuck to the diet 95% of the time, the home work outs probably haven’t been as tough as they could be.

Today is day 1 of week 3 so I am stepping it up a gear. I’m trying harder to stick to the diet completely and I’m upping my exercise.

No one has criticised my appearance. I am doing this for me. Well, and for my wardrobe full of clothes which are all crying as they no longer see the light of day due to not being able to squeeze themselves over my thighs, or being a bit too clingy on lumps & bumps……

My husband has been extremely supportive and said he fancies me and loves me whatever shape I am, as the shape I was was down to the fact I’d carried our two beautiful girls. But I think he’ll be even happier, as will I, when I’m back to what I feel is my best. And he’s doing the diet with me. The bugger has lost 10lb in 2 weeks but he does have more to lose than me!!!

I will be slim & fit again, this is just the start…..

No pressure then…..

Welcome to all my new followers! I didn’t expect that overnight…. So now feeling the pressure and will have to keep to my word

I can’t promise to be witty, entertaining, informative, helpful or even interesting and my posts may be the most random bundle of posting ever ranging from old moments to new, heartfelt to funny, mummy stuff and non mummy stuff…… But all posts will be hand on heart truth of my feelings

Trying to catch the blogging bug

Usually you don’t want to catch bugs do you?? But after “speaking” on Twitter to more and more lovely bloggers I regret not writing more about life things…. Especially when it’s so easy to do. My iPhone is practically attached to my hand, I have a WordPress app, so really there is no excuse.

My life is not overly interesting but maybe one day someone might read something I write!

Blogging Bug – I’m coming to get you & grabbing you with both hands!

There are no breaks….

There are no breaks, no sick days, no bonuses, no appraisals, no incentive nights out, no team building, no chats at break time, no in-jokes, no progress plans, no lunches out, no delegation, no time sheets, no clocking off, no loo breaks, no Christmas parties, no fish & chip Fridays, no holiday allowance…….

Being a stay at home mum is the hardest job anyone could ever undertake.

She didn’t need me tonight….

We always have a bedtime story before our daughter tucks down for the night. We try to vary it but she does have a few she loves and we read over & over again.

We have noticed on several occasions that Taylor has the most incredible memory for her age. The things she can recall are astounding and she can remember all sorts.

Tonight I was laid in her bed during story time and she “read” to me. It was “We are going on a bear hunt” and we haven’t read it for a couple of weeks.

I say”read” as she cannot yet read but she did the whole book word for word, turning the pages at the appropriate time and following along the sentences with her finger just like I do when I read to her!!

As we got to the swirling whirling snowstorm I had tears streaming down my face. Good tears. I couldn’t believe how much she has taken in and how well my little 3 year old girl asserts her independence.

I look at her sometimes and I do literally feel like my heart is swollen with pride and love. And I frown in disbelief. How did this beautiful, intelligent little being come from me?